Investing in people
For the flourishment of Ladino and creating the leaders of tomorrow
Since its establishment in 1983, the mission of the Salti Foundation has been based on the vision of its founder Dr. Yehoshua Selim Salti; which is to sustain, strengthen and safeguard the preservation the Judeo Spanish language (Ladino) culture, and heritage and to nurture the leaders of tomorrow.
Who are the scholarships for?
The scholarships are given to students who present appropriate academic achievements and will be studying in the following academic year.
in israeli universities
The scholarships will be given to students in all fields of study at Israeli universities.
Preference will be given to those who present voluntary activity; military, national or civil service, past and/or present.
socio economic issues
Significant priority will be given based on socio-economic background, lack of other supports and scholarships or special personal background.
Scholarship Application Calendar
Scholarship Application Form
The scholarship applications for the academic year 2025 – 2026 have started on Jan 1, 2025.
The blog where the love of Ladino meets journalism experience and a curious mind that loves learning.
Este blog ande el amor por el ladino se renkontra kon la eksperyensa djornalistika i un esprito kurioso kon amor de aprender.